Wall Street: Spike the Bull

Why do people rub the bull on Wall Street?

Many onlookers—from tourists to brokers to traders—believe that the 16-foot-long sculpture brings luck, prosperity, and a good financial day, but on one condition: you have to rub the bull in the rear on his testicles, famously known as the “Bulls Balls.”


Expect a bigger, badder, short sell, by a syndicate of stars.

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2 Replies to “Wall Street: Spike the Bull”

  1. The Count of Monte Cristo: Chapter 46 Summary & Analysis

    The Count takes out letters demonstrating that two other banks, including the Rothschilds’ firm, have also offered him unlimited lines of credit, at which …

  2. Chile’s most famous folk singer, Victor Jara, was shot 44 times and his hands broken by rifle butts just days after a military coup.

    Some 45 years later, those responsible for his death have been convicted.

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