
She is an easy target for cyber bullying.

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6 Replies to “Bullying”

  1. Madonna never dropped bombs on innocent women and children

    But the statue of liberty did until the blood in the streets of NYC was waist heigh in blood…..revelations 14. wouldn’t hurt to read it over

  2. I FEAR the illuminated, by the Light of Lucifer, freemason president!

    Look at my black eye, and look what happens to Pope’s who get out of line, like Pope John Paul I, the 33 day Pope, and Paul II who got shot!

  3. IN the tomb:

    There is a devil, a Don Quixote and a Pope, who has one foot sheathed in a white monogrammed slipper resting on a stone skull. The initiates are led into the room one at a …

    as you can see a great Gulf War AC/DC video has been TERMINATED.

    I hope there is a copy somewhere.

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