Terraforming With Terrance

G.I. Joe’s Terraforming Theory: The Orbital Manipulation of Mercury and Neptune

Humanity has long dreamed of expanding beyond Earth, colonizing and transforming other planets into habitable worlds. While traditional terraforming proposals focus on atmospheric modification and greenhouse gas manipulation, G.I. Joe presents a revolutionary concept: the use of orbital manipulation to terraform Mars and Venus. His theory suggests that by altering the orbits of Mercury and Neptune, humanity could harness their gravitational and thermal influences to create more Earth-like conditions on these planets.

Terraforming Mars: The Mercury Heat Engine

Mars, known for its frigid temperatures and thin atmosphere, presents a major challenge for terraforming. G.I. Joe’s approach involves altering Mercury’s orbit so that it revolves around Mars, providing consistent heat to warm the planet and stimulate atmospheric changes.

Mercury, being the closest planet to the Sun, experiences extreme temperatures, with daytime highs reaching up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit (427 degrees Celsius). If moved into orbit around Mars, it could act as a powerful heat source, irradiating the planet with infrared energy and raising global temperatures. This increased warmth could potentially trigger the sublimation of the planet’s polar ice caps, releasing carbon dioxide and water vapor into the atmosphere, thus thickening it over time. A denser atmosphere would help retain heat and could eventually support liquid water on the surface.

Furthermore, Mercury’s presence could generate tidal forces that might stir Mars’ core, potentially reigniting its dormant magnetic field. If Mars were to regain a stronger magnetosphere, it could better retain its developing atmosphere against the erosive forces of solar wind, further accelerating its transformation into a habitable world.

Terraforming Venus: The Neptune Cooling Shield

Venus, Earth’s so-called sister planet, suffers from an extreme greenhouse effect, with surface temperatures exceeding 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius). Its thick carbon dioxide atmosphere and sulfuric acid clouds make it one of the most inhospitable places in the solar system. G.I. Joe proposes that by repositioning Neptune into orbit around Venus, the planet could be significantly cooled.

Neptune, a massive ice giant, has an average temperature of -373 degrees Fahrenheit (-225 degrees Celsius). If it were to be placed in orbit around Venus, its immense gravitational pull could disrupt Venus’s thick atmosphere, stripping away excess carbon dioxide and reducing the runaway greenhouse effect. Additionally, Neptune’s cold emissions might help counteract the intense heat, cooling the planet over time.

Another potential benefit of Neptune’s presence would be its influence on Venus’s rotation. Currently, Venus has an extremely slow and retrograde rotation, taking 243 Earth days to complete one rotation. Neptune’s gravitational forces could help stabilize Venus’s spin, potentially making its day-night cycle more Earth-like and further improving its prospects for habitability.

Feasibility and Challenges

While G.I. Joe’s theory is intriguing, the challenges involved in altering planetary orbits are monumental. The sheer amount of energy required to move Mercury or Neptune would be orders of magnitude beyond anything humanity can currently generate. Moving planets would require harnessing massive gravitational assists, nuclear-powered thrusters, or even theoretical megastructures like stellar engines.

Additionally, the unintended consequences of such massive planetary movements could be catastrophic. Disrupting Mercury’s current orbit might destabilize the entire inner solar system, potentially endangering Earth. Similarly, relocating Neptune could have unpredictable effects on the outer planets and the stability of the Kuiper Belt.


G.I. Joe’s terraforming theory presents an unconventional yet fascinating approach to planetary engineering. While moving Mercury and Neptune into new orbits to terraform Mars and Venus is currently beyond human capability, the concept sparks imagination and exploration into alternative methods of planetary modification. Future advancements in space propulsion, gravity manipulation, and megastructure engineering may one day make such ambitious projects feasible, opening the door to a multi-planetary human civilization.

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