Name Brand Messiah

This guy, Brand, is a pretender Messiah. The real messiah is Canadian like me, and born on Canada Day, like the date of my Messiah song’s release.

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Supreme Plus Rockefeller

Gas prices have topped $2 a litre for supreme fuel 

His full name is Supriem David Rockefeller, a 34 year old man who says he is Lucifer redeemed, the Messiah the world has been waiting for and the Bible has been telling us about. This is the man secret societies have been waiting for and prepared for since ancient times. He says he is the one who rebelled against God, The Universal Father, and caused the Wars in Heaven. He is the one who created ‘sin’ and is the reason the world is in the shape it’s in. According to himself, after thousands of years in exile, he has now returned in the body of SupriemRockefeller, but has redeemed himself. Instead of bringing the world to its knees and fulfill the End Time Prophecies, he has decided to save the world he once had the purpose to destroy. Upon all this, he is also the Jewish Messiah. When he visits Israel, he is treated like a God.

Is he telling the truth? Hopefully this e-book will bring some understand to who he really is…

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Messiah Tarot

this will help BURN the tarot into….

your BRAINS….so u never 4get

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