Here is an excerpt from Nelly Furtado’s sister’s book:
I will not become part of the New World [Order] they are planning, they will inevitably bring the world population down, but they won’t get me. I am wolf not a sheep with my eyes wide shut…
ZERO Waste Neighbor on the LEFT – Use Your Tongue to Open the Pineal Gland
Soon it will be my time. This is the year something happens. A new order out of the chaos.
In 1917, for six months, always on the 13th day of the month, the Blessed Virgin Mary had appeared to three shepherd children in Portugal.
Nelly is taking a vow of silence to free the children. Is that what upsets you? Her silence? What is she supposed to do? Spout crazy conspiracy theories like you? She’ll just get told to shut up and sing like the Dixie Chicks. Quite a few celebrities told the truth about 9/11. I think you’ve written down all of there testimony in the 9/11 section. What will people from the future think when they look back?
The conspiracy of silence was broken a couple times by the celebrities. Charlie Sheen tried especially hard. That kind of shit will be remembered a thousand years from now. Bill O’Reilly will also be remembered a thousand years from now in a different way.
History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The hackers who hacked the world trade center and the pentagon will be remembered. Once they launched Code Red the Illuminati had no choice but to blow up the WTC. All their tax evasion would of been exposed. All those offshore accounts and tax havens were on those computers.
The Code Red worm was a computer worm first observed on the Internet on July 13, 2001. You ordered that Code Red with your revelation webpage. The hackers were convinced Bush was the antichrist after he stole the election with Gore. They chose the 13th day of the month to launch the attack because you linked to their webpage.
Julian Assange won’t talk about 9/11. He’s sworn to secrecy. Nobody knows the truth about the cyber attack of July 13th 2001. Hack the pentagon now and you get sent straight to Guantanamo Bay.
The truth will come out one day. Remember, remember the 11th of September!
Those A holes are on my computer right now. Hackers. The Cult of Dead Cow. They made this video:
I turned on Sony Vegas and it started cutting itself. Takes two of us to operate this thing. I guess I didn’t put the proper credits so the hackers got impatient and cut the video themselves.
These hackers want a revolution. Their political ideology is anarchist. They’re religion is discordian.
You’ve done all you can for Nelly Furtado. You can’t control what she puts in her mouth. Selenium is the cure. Dr. Wallach lost his job and was blacklisted for finding the cure for Cystic Fibrosis.
I can tell by her latest video she doesn’t think she has long to live. The latest Cystic Fibrosis drug costs 80,000 dollars a year while Selenium costs pennies a day.
Nelly Furtado used to be full of such fire and hatred for Britney Spears. Then I posted about Club 33 and Disney pedophiles on her forum and it’s been nothing but tears ever since.
That was way years before Vigilant Citizen came online. Vigilant keeps a close eye on Britney Spears.
That’s why she is crying in the “Try” video. You posted pop culture conspiracy theories on her forum? She doesn’t want to know. Ignorance is bliss!
Why did you have to ruin her innocent life? I don’t want to read about Lindsay Lohan getting pimped out by her dad, crying to her rosary.
The peak on her forum was when everyone was wearing true religion Jeans and rosaries. The Fatima virgin mary cult was at its peak. Mad Mel had his Russian wife like the anti-russian prophecy. I don’t think Manic Mel approved of the wearing of the rosary. The rosary is for illiterate peasants to pray with.
I’m sad Britney Spears never sang at Mel’s church. That would of been a circus.
When are you leaving for Croatia?