Nelly Furtado is Paranoid About Depopulation


Here is an excerpt from Nelly Furtado’s sister’s book:

I will not become part of the New World [Order] they are planning, they will inevitably bring the world population down, but they won’t get me. I am wolf not a sheep with my eyes wide shut…

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104 Replies to “Nelly Furtado is Paranoid About Depopulation”

  1. Joseph my son be strong. Your cysts will go away so will all the cancers in your lungs from all those years of smoking. Your vision will improve. Think of all the positives and none of the negatives.

  2. @nellyfurtado is getting hungry. water fasts are too biblical. Try a 21 day CABALA (Carrots, Apples, Beets and Lemons) juice fast will remove even the most advanced cysts.

    Put organic carrots, apples & beets in the juicer. Add lemon to your water. Take your selenium and turmeric for your cystic fibrosis as well.

    Dr. F

  3. Thank you Fishman! I was getting hungier than a motherfucker. Now that i drank that juice i have energy again. I can feel this cyst dissolving already. This is my 5th day of fasting.

  4. @derek she’s singing to both of them. her husband because he wants to leave her and G.I. Joe because his blog can cure her sickness.


    You can save her just like when Edward saved Bella from being hit by a car. Don’t leave this love G.I. Joe. You & Fishman can cure everyone just like the part in Nelly’s sister’s book with the goat head shrine.

    Keep posting cures on the medical page.

  5. This is a picture of the girl I was gonna marry:

    I covered the left side of my face so you don’t see the horrible scars.


    She hates Nelly Furtado with a passion. We broke up in 2001 because I got crazy and paranoid. I told her I couldn’t come back to Europe because there were terrorists on the planes. That was in July of 2001. Osama Bin Laden was in the news that summer. She told me she wanted to be “free like a bird” because of the Nelly Furtado mp3 i downloaded from napster was on the IBM thinkpad i gave her. I tried to get her back in 2002 but she wouldn’t see me. She knew i was posting on Furtado’s forum. Look at the anger in her eyes. She wants Nelly Furtado to suffer.

    It’s not a love triangle. It’s a love square. I gave her a cheap blue ring from a kiosk in 2002. I wonder if she’s seen Wall Street 2. She always told me she didn’t care about money. I hardly think of her anymore. I doubt she thinks of me either. My mother told me she became a nun. Then she told me she moved on and got married and had kids. My mother is shameless liar. I don’t know what to believe. She might be waiting for me. I still don’t know.

    Smelly Nelly ruined my life.


    I’m glad she is sick. She should suffer for her harlotry. She wants her husband to work hard, spend hard like her shitty maneater video. I don’t go that route. I don’t break my balls for anybody.

    After the terrorist nuke I’m on the first plane back to Croatia. There’s nothing for me in Canuckistan except getting interned in a concentration camp. I have a piece of land in Croatia. I can grow my organic crops. My cousin is a doctor. She’ll give me the orthomolecular treatment for bipolar. They won’t inject me with quack drugs.

    Fuck Canuckistan. Fuck Babylon. I don’t need their war machines. I don’t need their ghetto scenes.

  6. That’s the spirit Joe!

    Get your bugout bag ready. Nelly is just an illusion. Flickering lights on a screen. Your Croatian girlfriend is real. You made love to her. You were lovers. Holding hands in elementary school isn’t love.

    All you need is your laptop and your monopoly money. You can exchange hours with your cousins. They already learned from Greece. Fuck Canada. After the nuke you can return like a conquering hero. The ashes of fallen babylon behind you.

  7. Nelly seems like a user to me. She used her current husband for a Spanish album and she’s using you to cure her sickness. What’s in it for you? What do you get out of it?

    In Croatia you’d have a job. You could teach web design. You could share your software and music with the people in your town. People share in Croatia. You told me so on Salo Forum. Nobody shares in Babylon. They are all consumed by the seven deadly sins.

    @christusrex thanks for helping me stop lusting after strange pussy.

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