Nelly Furtado is Paranoid About Depopulation


Here is an excerpt from Nelly Furtado’s sister’s book:

I will not become part of the New World [Order] they are planning, they will inevitably bring the world population down, but they won’t get me. I am wolf not a sheep with my eyes wide shut…

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104 Replies to “Nelly Furtado is Paranoid About Depopulation”

  1. You just gotta stay away for a few months nigga. Until the heat dies down. Obama and Harper are gonna round up all the domestic terrorists. That’s a codeword for anyone critical of Israel. Peeps is gonna get rounded up like Monsanto round up.

  2. I don’t care about her? I’ve loved her since I was 12 years old. I just get angry and jealous and say things I don’t mean. If she wants me to wait I’ll wait. I just can’t wait here anymore.

    I want to spend Spring and Summer in Croatia. I have enough money to go and I haven’t seen my family in years. I can smell a false flag is brewing and I don’t want to be in North America when they try and give birth to the North American Union.

  3. Jew Dork Shitty is about to get nuked. Then the banksters can collect the insurance money.


    Poor hipsters. They’re shitty urban blight is about to be radioactive.

  4. Alice in Wonderland and a Monarch in the video for the MK Ultra crowd:


    The hipsters are not the finest example of whiteness. They look emaciated and unhealthy. They would not make good storm troopers. The hips of the women are narrow as well. I don’t think that hipster chick would be awarded the German Mother’s Cross.

    The hipsters look like they are in a group marriage as well. This might help improve their racial stock only if the couple with blonde hair and blue eyes are allowed to breed exclusively. Eugenics would definitely help these hipsters.

  5. @Dr. Fishman the health authority is blocking fecal transplants in BC. Feces is pretty much free so that’s an unacceptable treatment. My brother says he has to drive to Portland to get the treatment.

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