Madonna VS Tyranny

Canceled: The Gadsden flag


Also cancelled, Donald Trump’s freedom of speech

Some Madonna New Order GIFS above

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Madonna Subverts the Boy Scouts

Madonna Boyscout Glaad

The Boy Scouts and the Order of the Arrow were both started by Freemasons, are based upon Freemasonry, and attempt to indoctrinate young men with masonic ideals.

The Boy Scouts of America is rare among major institutions in banning homosexuals, atheists and agnostics as leaders. In a decadent age, the BSA is unique in upholding God, country and traditional values.

Sir Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941), returning from the Boer War which had lasted from 1999 to 1902, was suddenly a public figure. During this war he became famous in Britain for the defence of Mafeking. This town, under his command, had withstood a siege of 215 days, in spite of famine and sickness in his ranks. Baden-Powell maintained the defence successfully and earned the rank of Major-General. On his return to England he felt most strongly that the courage and skill of the scouts in the army should not be lost. These scouts had made such a significant contribution to the successful outcome of the war, that their skills should he passed on. Simultaneously he was convinced that the young people in Britain were not receiving enough physical exercise and experience in the outdoor life. He knew that by teaching scouting skills to young people -who would become the leaders of the future -he would be meeting two objectives.

In 1907 he started the Boy Scout movement in Great Britain by working with just twenty boys. To keep track of the many useful facts he was teaching the boys he wrote notes. These developed into a book that was first published in 1908 as the Boy Scout Handbook. In the years that followed, many millions of copies were sold and avidly absorbed by young boys throughout the world. From the sale of this book came the need for leaders and the huge organization which scouting is today. The scouting world is extensive by anyone’s standards because scouting is active in over 150 countries and is recognised by the World Bureau in 117 countries with more being recognised each year.

This movement, founded by the late Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell in 1908, “to help boys of whatever class to become all-round men,” has been developed with great spirit and success in many countries of the world. Its aim is to develop good citizenship among boys by forming their character — training them in habits of observation, obedience, and self reliance — inculcating loyalty and thoughtfulness for others — teaching them services useful to the public and handicrafts useful to themselves —promoting their physical development and hygiene.

L. Mary Barker, ed., Pears Cyclopaedia. (Isleworth, Middlesex: A. & F Pears, Ltd., Autumn, 1950), p. 643.

Masonic Symbols

Psalm 8:2 NIV From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise …

The Masonic Bible has a square and compass on it. …. In the Masonic Lodge, they have a KJV Bible opened up to Psalm 133 Behold how good it is for brethren …

The Messianic Psalms

Jesus said everything written about Him in the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled. Most of the Psalms were written by David, and Acts 2:30 says David was a prophet! That means the Psalms are more than just a collection of poems – they are prophetic messages, and they are full of rich revelation to those who have eyes to see.

I have been intrigued by hidden prophecies in the Psalms. It is evident that they give the story of the return of the Jews to their Promised Land, beginning with 1901 and continuing psalm by psalm to this very day.

Madonna wears the number 13!

Death Tarot

The early creators of the Tarot seem to have followed the more negative connotations of the number. They certainly ensured that number 13 was always associated with the Death card, although numbers fluctuated for the other cards. However, today the interpretation is more of transformation and change than bad luck. Every time we alter something in our lives, we encounter a little death; when we move, change jobs, even (according to Lisa Alther in Kinflicks) have sex. So the Death card is about mortality and a voluntary surrender of the old (in comparison with The Tower, which destroys the old in a flash, whether we will or no). It’s also about stripping away the ego, necessary if we are to move on spiritually. If the card is reversed, it probably indicates an inability to change, stagnation.

Number thirteen also relates to the Queens of each suit (not the Kings, as previously and erroneously inserted in the previous version of ’13′! Apparently no-one noticed this as I would have expected at least one comment, if you had).

As we’ve seen already, 13 is a number particularly associated with the feminine, so it is apt that we find the Queens occupying the 13th slot of the numbered cards.

13 is also America’s number because of her original 13 colonies.

The Illuminati (13 Ruling Crime Families) is a ritualistic organization that has been around since the Christian crusades. It has a special way of looking at numbers that we should all know about and uses the numbers for ritualistic witchcraft.

13 represents the death of the American Republic and the birth of the North American Union on 9/11 2001!

September Morn

The UN is ready to send peacekeeping troops into the US for the imminent false flag terror attack. One day while sitting in class you’ll look outside the window to see Russians dropping down to take us over. What are you gonna do then, huh? Run into the woods with your friends, put twigs in your hair, call yourselves the Wolverines and fight off the Russians? I think not.

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Nostradamus Effect: Fatima’s Lost Prophecy

VATICAN LETTER Feb-18-2005 (860 words) Backgrounder. With photo. xxxi

Secrets, superstitions, sainthood: Cardinal talks of Sister Lucia

By Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — When Carmelite Sister Lucia dos Santos — the last of three Fatima visionaries — was buried in mid-February, a surprising number of people believed still-secret secrets of Fatima were buried with her.

Her Feb. 13 death also led to widespread discussion in Italy about the number 13, given the fact that the Blessed Virgin Mary promised to appear to Lucia and her two cousins on the 13th of the month. The apparitions took place from May 13 to Oct. 13, 1917.

And, of course, discussion began almost immediately about when the process to canonize her would begin. Her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, were beatified — a step toward sainthood — in 2000.

Italian Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone of Genoa, who celebrated Sister Lucia’s funeral in the pope’s name, discussed all three issues with the press.

In 2000, when Pope John Paul II ordered the publication of the so-called “third secret” of Fatima — a description of a vision the Blessed Virgin Mary showed the children — groups such as the Canadian-based Fatima Center immediately began claiming that the publication was incomplete and the Vatican was hiding something.

And when Sister Lucia died, the Fatima Center posted a message on its Web site saying it would “continue to campaign for the release of the full third secret.”

But Cardinal Bertone, who had spent hours with Sister Lucia discussing the third secret and the Vatican’s interpretation of it before it was published, categorically denied anything remains a secret.

“I can say, without any doubt, that it is absolutely certain that everything having to do with the secret of Fatima has been revealed and that the third part of the secret is contained in the four pages that we published in their entirety and which correspond exactly to the letter written personally by Sister Lucia,” Cardinal Bertone said Feb. 14 before flying to Portugal for the funeral.

The cardinal said he was aware that people, despite the affirmations of Pope John Paul — unquestionably devoted to the Fatima message — continue to claim there is more to the secret, but he insists the Vatican published everything in its possession.

“I explicitly asked Sister Lucia if she had written something before or after what has been published of the third secret. She herself confirmed that she had written nothing either before or after,” Cardinal Bertone said.

After the funeral, Cardinal Bertone confirmed that Sister Lucia’s computer and all the letters, diaries and other written material found in her cell at the cloister had been collected and sealed.

“They will be examined one by one in the process for her beatification, which will begin soon,” the cardinal said.

However, Cardinal Bertone did not give any timeline for the official opening of her cause, nor did he indicate whether he thought Pope John Paul would waive church rules requiring a five-year waiting period before the process could begin.

Jesuit Father Paolo Molinari, postulator of the cause for Blesseds Francisco and Jacinta, said he personally believes it is important to wait.

“We must avoid the danger of people thinking that she is being beatified or canonized just because of the visions,” he told Catholic News Service Feb. 16.

“The apparitions of Our Lady and what Our Lady said certainly had an impact on Sister Lucia’s life,” he said, but they did not make her holy.

“She accepted the message and she lived according to the message for more than 80 years, offering her life for the sake of sinners. This is holiness, not just receiving the grace of a vision,” the Jesuit said.

The five-year wait allows the church to confirm that a large number of the faithful around the world recognize in a prospective saint a special way of living the Christian faith and helping “bring God’s love, mercy and goodness into the world because she modeled her life on the life of Jesus Christ,” Father Molinari said.

As for the number 13, it was part of the story — at least in Italy — of Sister Lucia’s passing.

Cardinal Bertone was asked to comment.

“The fact that the number 13 connects almost all the apparitions and was the date (May 13, 1981) of the attempted assassination of the pope is something more than simple coincidence, I think,” the cardinal said. The pope has linked the assassination attempt to the third secret of Fatima.

“In the same way, I think it is a heavenly sign that the Madonna called Sister Lucia to herself precisely on the 13th of February,” the cardinal said.

The cardinal said people should remember the 13th of each month, “not out of superstition,” but simply because God and the Blessed Virgin Mary had done extraordinary things on that date in the past.

Cardinal Bertone said he last visited Sister Lucia in November 2003 and told her that he would come visit her again.

“She told me that I would not see her alive again, but that I would come only to bless her casket. She knew even this,” the cardinal told reporters.

“I am not saying this was a prophecy, but it was the simple truth,” he said.


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