Madonna & Rothschild’s Pigeons

Madonna’s Crave video features alot of Pigeons.

When the Rothschild brothers took to the air in their pursuit of speed we cannot say. But we can be certain that by the 1840s – and probably much earlier – the brothers had taken to the use of pigeons to carry short and important messages between them. Nathan Mayer Rothschild had a farm in Kent where carrier pigeons were stationed. One or two examples of letters carried by pigeon survive among the papers in The Rothschild Archive. They measure about 8 cm by 5 cm and still bear the folds where they were packed into the small container attached to the pigeon’s leg.This method of communication was one of the tools of success in the Rothschild business strategy during the period c.1820-1850, and part of the success of the Rothschild’s communication system was its flexibility, using a number of different means of transmission, including pigeon post, to suit the circumstances.


Eco Warrior, David De Rothschild clearly has the hero gene Madonna craves. The rest of us Joe Blows, are just losers baby. I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?

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Madonna Coconut Oil Dream Analysis

I took a pill and had a dream (Yo también) = Medellin lyrics

The sun was caressing my skin (Dime)
Another me could now begin (Woo)
Madonna’s dream was “The Son of the Boss” putting coconut oil sunscreen upgrade on her back
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Madonna’s Tears, Obama’s Tears and the Illuminati’s Tears

Madonna Tears

Madonna sheds real tears for the victims of the Friday the 13th Paris attacks. Madonna is very superstitious about the number 13. She believes things and events come in 3’s and in the law of cause and effect. She’s awaiting the third major terrorist attack on her favorite city, New York. She sees Dick Cheney and Barack Obama making prophecies about a bigger attack as the cause.

Obama Man Tears

Obama is shedding his crocodile tears over shooting victims. He’s crying because he is trying to get Alex Jones’ guns and failing. Jews believe their messiah will beat the goyim’s guns into plowshares. Hand out Bill Gates seed bank and tell them to bury their guns Obamessiah. Your Sandy Hook false flag shooting to take their guns is a fail. They have to do it voluntarily, not by force or media coercion.

!50 Years Madonna Illuminati

Madonna is enlightened to the masonic master plan in Rebel Heart’s Illuminati video. The Illuminati direct the Freemasons to fulfill their plan for the Jews and Israel through the psalms of David. Madonna has to find these events in history like the prophecy of Nikita Kruschev’s shoe banging incident in psalm 60, the year 1960. Then use her third eye featured in “Bedtime Story” to send me her findings through lunar channels.

Madonna 150 Rosary

Believers in the Madonna of olden days want us to use a bigger, heavier, 150 rosary. This is what was said about my mother Mary 2,000 years ago:

Luke 11:27 While Jesus was saying these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed.” 28But He said, “On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.”

Don’t kneel to Mary’s idols. Read the word of God and keep it.

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