Yangtze River Turns Red

Yangtze Red Blood

A section of the Yangtze River in Chongqing, China, has turned bright red. The cause is still being investigated, but officials say it may have been caused by recent floods stirring up silt upstream. The Environmental Protection Bureau is also looking into potential industrial pollution or sewage breaches.

Revelation 16:5 Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say:
“You are just, O Holy One, who are and who were, in passing this sentence.

6 For they have shed the blood of the holy ones and the prophets, and you
have given them blood to drink; it is what they deserve.”

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Revelation 16:3 The Sea Turned to blood

California Red Tide

Revelation 16:3. The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea.
The sea turned to blood like that from a corpse; every creature living in the sea died.

It’s called Red Tide and it’s a common name for a phenomenon known as an algal bloom that we see in California. Fish die and shellfish become poisoned. Red tides are caused by increase in nutrients that algae need, usually due to farm runoff. Red tide activity is on the increase especially in America.

The Book of Revelation in the Bible mentions that sea life will die during the End Times. The carbon dioxide we pump into the air is seeping into the oceans and slowly acidifying them. Now that the ocean is becoming acidic it seems almost certain that all life in the sea will die.

It is also noteworthy that the toxic oil dispersant Corexit used in the Gulf oil spill turned the water into a red sludge. The same color as a red tide or water turned to blood.

There is only one option left! To blast off into a statue in the shape of me and colonize Mars. I know the first few years will be tough. We will have to eat lichen and rocks, but things will improve. Call 1-8669-SAVE ME and donate generously.

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Gulf Oil Spill is Red

Gulf Oil Spill Red

Rev 16:3. Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it became like the blood of a corpse. And everything in the sea died.

Fisherman Tom Young from Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana summed up the thinking down in the Gulf. ” I was just sitting here thinking our way of life is over. It’s the end, the apocalypse, and no one outside of these few parishes really cares. They say they do, but they do nothing but talk”, said Young.

The crude oil is red largely from the highly toxic Corexit used to disperse the oil and keep it on the bottom of the ocean where BP won’t have to pay for clean up.

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