Sexual Abuse Justice: Like a Prayer

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?

Nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.


Rapists are first on my list to be singled out. Madonna had a Kubrick Eyes Wide Shut experience in NYC, unknown rapists seemd to be able to get into her apartment no matter how many locks she put on the door. In EWS, Cruise finds the mask on the bed. They had to have picked the locks to get into Dr. Bill’s apartment.

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17 Days to Save NYC

if i had my old N back i could save NYC and the Environment. Through reusing the same dress at Madonna Concert. If i had rich GF i’d take her to Madonna 17 nights in a row.

will madonna be replaced by robot or hologram?
mein kinder
i can hear the fuhrer’s voice in hell

we must pray for hitler & the devil

no one prays for them

dona eis requiem rex tremandae
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