Madonna & Rothschild’s Pigeons

Madonna’s Crave video features alot of Pigeons.

When the Rothschild brothers took to the air in their pursuit of speed we cannot say. But we can be certain that by the 1840s – and probably much earlier – the brothers had taken to the use of pigeons to carry short and important messages between them. Nathan Mayer Rothschild had a farm in Kent where carrier pigeons were stationed. One or two examples of letters carried by pigeon survive among the papers in The Rothschild Archive. They measure about 8 cm by 5 cm and still bear the folds where they were packed into the small container attached to the pigeon’s leg.This method of communication was one of the tools of success in the Rothschild business strategy during the period c.1820-1850, and part of the success of the Rothschild’s communication system was its flexibility, using a number of different means of transmission, including pigeon post, to suit the circumstances.


Eco Warrior, David De Rothschild clearly has the hero gene Madonna craves. The rest of us Joe Blows, are just losers baby. I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?

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21 Replies to “Madonna & Rothschild’s Pigeons”

  1. Estimates of how much money it would take to end world hunger range from $7 billion to $265 million per year. Bill’s GMO plan? the big 666 media is clearly stating Bill Gates is a messianic hero:

  2. Skinheads aren’t rich…aren’t really dangerous to the Africans like Bill Gates, vaccines and frankenfood

    Being poor is a crime, or Jewish Psychiatric diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia if you say poverty is by design. They Psychs diagnose just about everyone homeless as schizophrenic…2/3rds are schizo on skid row they say

  3. D.O.C. stands for Disciples of Christ, Derek

    my people, the Jews, aren’t satanic like these bankers, they are just fearful of them.

    Kubrick wanted to show them what it’s like at the top of the Money Pharoah’s pyramid scheme. The whole house of cards will fall without a helter skelter, soros funded race war

  4. REV 6:15 The kings of the earth, the nobles,
    the military officers, the rich, the powerful,
    and every slave and free person
    hid themselves in caves and among mountain crags.

    we need those organic, heirloom seeds to feed the world Derek. We can’t destroy it…the Army has to wake up and seize it…give the seeds back to the people.

  5. i’ve always told God humans were a big mistake…now it’s time to erase that mistake:

    the moon

    how do we destroy the earth and the luxury bunkers?

    the death star splitting the planet into dust like the world trade center

  6. Yes Jozo….the death star is the solution to the Bill Gates question

    A Zentraedi rain of death would leave the luxury bunkers intact…that was a great cartoon, Robotech.

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