Madonna & Rothschild’s Pigeons

Madonna’s Crave video features alot of Pigeons.

When the Rothschild brothers took to the air in their pursuit of speed we cannot say. But we can be certain that by the 1840s – and probably much earlier – the brothers had taken to the use of pigeons to carry short and important messages between them. Nathan Mayer Rothschild had a farm in Kent where carrier pigeons were stationed. One or two examples of letters carried by pigeon survive among the papers in The Rothschild Archive. They measure about 8 cm by 5 cm and still bear the folds where they were packed into the small container attached to the pigeon’s leg.This method of communication was one of the tools of success in the Rothschild business strategy during the period c.1820-1850, and part of the success of the Rothschild’s communication system was its flexibility, using a number of different means of transmission, including pigeon post, to suit the circumstances.


Eco Warrior, David De Rothschild clearly has the hero gene Madonna craves. The rest of us Joe Blows, are just losers baby. I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?

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21 Replies to “Madonna & Rothschild’s Pigeons”

  1. The product was originally marketed as Kraft Dinner with the slogan “a meal for four in nine minutes for an everyday price of 19 cents.”

    I remember Chimo house wouldn’t spend 19 cents on a meal for us, your army of neighborhood kids….that huge argument over 19 cents….the Psychlos said eat “pretend” invisible food….poor times not rich times

  2. YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH MATT GROENING!!! i was poor, my fish were starving…the Psychlos called it ICTHYPHILIA….i was just feeding the fish….Zohan is full of BS…u can’t put a fish in your bum because it the scales go one way….heavy rectal damage

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    Is there any reason that semen would be bad for my fish

    … › sdmb › showthread

    I mean for eating. I have fed my guppies some of my sperm on several occasions, and they go absolutely nuts (no pun intended) over it.

  3. Psalm 45:2-12 You are the most handsome of men; grace is poured upon your lips; therefore God has blessed you forever. Gird your sword on your thigh, … Cruise is a Harold Coe (Moshiach) because of our neighborhood south african friend.

  4. The stewardess cried when you left eh Jozo?

    JERUSALEM (AP) — A gunman on motorcycle shot a prominent hard-line Jewish activist on Wednesday, Israeli police and legislators said, seriously wounding the man and then fleeing in a suspected assassination attempt.

    Moshe Feiglin, a lawmaker with the Likud party, identified the man as Yehuda Glick, an American-born advocate for greater Jewish access to a sensitive Jerusalem holy site known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary.

  5. this is beautiful what u made Jozo, i only owe david miscavige 56 million, but he wants all 560 million…he’s insane with greed….a religion is only supposed to take 10%

  6. I KNOW….I KNWO…i’m the one M craves…but she is wrong about the danger:

    Psalm 91. V1 Whoever goes to the LORD for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty, … You are my God; in you I trust.” V3 He will keep you safe from all hidden dangers and from all deadly diseases.

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